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Thank you for visiting the NutraLogic Health & Wellness website. Please watch the video for a greeting from Dr. Michael Garko.




Professional Bio


  • University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT - M.S. Human Nutrition, (Summa Cum Lade)

  • Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL - Ph.D., Communication (Magna Cum Lade)

  • University of South Florida, Tampa, FL - M.A., Communication (Magna Cum Lade)University of South Florida, Tampa FL - B.A., Mass

  • Communications (Magna Cum Laude)

  • University of South Florida, Tampa, FL - B.A., Humanities (with honors)

Skills & Expertise

Dr. Garko is a results-proven professional with a multifaceted skillset and established expertise in the
following areas which are well-suited for a nutritionist in clinical practice:

  • Clinical/human nutrition

  • Human communication

  • Interpersonal relationships

  • Social influence & persuasion

  • Human behavior

  • Teaching/training/education

  • Problem solving & critical thinking

  • Scientific/Medical Research

Dr. Garko’s Philosophy of Nutrition


The Priority of Nutrition

For the past 20 years I have embraced and advocated for what I call the priority principle of
nutrition. That is, nutrition is the first principle of health, wellness and wellbeing. That is, all
pathways to health, wellness and wellbeing begin and eventually end on the road of nutrition. It
is nutrition that allows us to function biologically, physiologically, psychologically and even
spiritually or otherwise to exist on the level of a mind, body and spirit. 1 Furthermore, nutrition
empowers people to take charge of their health.


1. Holistic nutrition: Nourishing the mind, body and spirit. Complementary Health Practice
Review, Vol. 9 No. 1, January 2004 11-20.





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